Other Shareware Releases in Business - Databases & Tools |
EMS SQL Manager for Oracle 2.4 (2010-01-29) update
State-of-the-art GUI SQL tool for Oracle administration and development.
Oracle-to-Access 2.5 (2011-07-25) new
Oracle-to-Access is a program to convert Oracle databases into MS Access format.
Dictionary Wordlist SQL, Excel, Access 1.8 (2017-09-01) update
Bilingual Dictionary Wordlist English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese...
VIPlanet 1.0 (2008-10-30) new
The Database with all countries and cities of the world
Repair MDF Free 1.0 (2011-06-30) new
Repair MDF Free for recovery data of damaged mdf files SQL Serever.
Repair SQL Database Free 1.0 (2011-11-24) new
An easy tool featuring a powerful repair SQL database engine.
EMS SQL Query for DB2 3.2 (2009-12-01) update
Utility that lets you quickly build SQL queries to IBM DB2 databases.
AnyLexic: Terminology Management 2.0 (2009-05-27) new
Terminology Management Software for multiple dictionaries or glossaries
Oracle to MySQL Free (2010-05-03) new
Oracle to MySQL database converter software converts oracle db into new MySQL db
Wavefile French 3.5 (2017-09-01) update
Wave file French native speaker with 28,933 words. For privat or commercial use.
Access-to-DB2 1.1 (2009-11-16) new
Access-to-DB2 is a program to migrate MS Access databases to DB2 server
4TOPS Excel Import to MS Access 2007 6.0 (2010-12-14) new
4TOPS Excel Import Assistant is an MS Access add-in helps import Excel to Access
Reportizer (2012-05-15) update
Reportizer is a band oriented database reporting tool
Query Tool (using ADO) 7.0 x64 Edition (2011-11-26) new
Query OLE DB data sources, author SQL scripts and queries.
Access-to-Oracle 4.1 (2011-08-15) new
Access-to-Oracle is a program to migrate MS Access databases to Oracle server.
MySQL-to-Oracle 3.1 (2010-11-24) new
MySQL-to-Oracle is a program to migrate MySQL databases to Oracle server.
DBScribe for Oracle 1.3 (2010-06-20) update
Oracle SQL documentor. HTML, CHM and MSWord formats supported.
DecryptAccess 2.0.0 (2006-11-04) new
Quick and Exact to decrypt lost password for the MS Access database.
MySQL InnoDB Backup and Recovery 4.1 (2012-12-01) new
Automatically backup MySQL InnoDB databases and tables with transaction.
AA Mail Server 5.0 (2014-03-15) new
AA Mail Server is Windows mail server software with dedicated database.
Create Database Application 5.6 (2011-04-22) update
Create database applications and Web applications.
odbc2xls 3.1.1 (2009-08-17) update
odbc2xls ODBC table extraction to Excel XML, CSV, HTML via GUI of Command Line
MySQL-to-MSSQL 4.5 (2010-08-17) new
MySQL-to-MSSQL is a program to convert MySQL databases into MS SQL format.
Winner+ 6.1 (2012-09-19) new
A Personalised Mass Mailing Manager to Apply Touch Therapy on Prospects
Access-to-MySQL 5.1 (2011-08-08) new
Access-to-MySQL is a program to move MS Access databases to MySQL server.
dbForge Query Builder for MySQL 3.3 (2015-02-02) new
MySQL and MariaDB Query Builder Tool to Build and Execute Queries Visually
EMS Data Generator for DB2 3.0 (2010-01-22) new
Utility for generating test data to several DB2 database tables.
EMS Data Import for DB2 3.3 (2010-02-18) update
Import data from MS Excel, MS Access, DBF, TXT, CSV and XML files to DB2 tables.
SQL Database Repair Free 1.0 (2011-11-10) new
The SQL database repair service, powered by SQL Database Repair Free.
4TOPS Excel Import to MS Access 2010 6.0 (2010-12-14) new
4TOPS Excel Import Assistant is an MS Access add-in helps import Excel to Access