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Smart Calendar Software 3.3.0 by: Evinco Solutions Limited

Prepare and generate your event calendar
License: Shareware, Price: $44.95 US
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Downloads: 1150
Size: 40782 K
Date: 2016-12-07
Keywords: smart calendar, pdf calendar, excel calendar, event calendar, insert calendar event, html calendar, print calendar, calendar printing
Flashpaste 6.21 by: Softvoile

Flashpaste offers you your own custom text templates at your fingertips.
License: Shareware, Price: $24.95 US
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Downloads: 1811
Size: 1804 K
Date: 2016-01-05
Keywords: text templates, speed typing, paste text, instant paste, insert text, text, insertion, clipboard history, clipboard utilities, clipboard
SuperLauncher by: PCWinSoft Software

Easily launch and schedule favorite programs, documents, folders, and websites
License: Shareware, Price: $29.90 US
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Downloads: 1288
Size: 3505 K
Date: 2015-05-25
Keywords: launcher, launch, run, start, group, manager, inserter, fast, quick, tool, utility, desktop, program, file, files, application, document, folder, favorite, website, item, items, text, shell, desktop, shortcut, key, hotkeys, hotkey, hot key, keystroke
Aplus Add Watermark to PDF by: Aplus PDF

Add watermark to PDF software allow to set watermark on PDF file form of text
License: Shareware, Price: $14.90 US
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Downloads: 818
Size: 2308 K
Date: 2015-05-09
Keywords: Software, Add, Watermark, PDF, Odd, Even, Page, Tool, Insert, Stamp, Text, Content, Logo, Web Link, URL, Header, Image, Sign, Copyright symbol, Utility, Replace, Rotate, Angle, Set, Above, Below, Top, Middle, Right, Left, Center, Corner, First, Last
Aplus Convert GIF to PDF by: Aplus PDF

Software approve you to change GIF images into PDF file format
License: Shareware, Price: $14.90 US
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Downloads: 968
Size: 1108 K
Date: 2015-05-06
Keywords: Convert, GIF, Image, Software, Modify, Picture, Photograph, Photo, Screenshot, Snapshot, Application, Create, Multiple, Batch, File, Program, Change, Combine, Insert, Import, Transform, Resize, Acrobat, Adobe, Paper, Tool, Set, Dimension, Properties
Aplus WAV Joiner by: Aplus Software

WAV Joiner software used to join two or more recorded WAV format sound files
License: Shareware, Price: $9.90 US
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Downloads: 896
Size: 756 K
Date: 2015-04-16
Keywords: WAV, Joiner, Application, Combine, Wave, Audio, Files, Software, Merge, Join, Append, Unite, Concatenate, Multiple, Large, Batch, Documents, Tool, Control, Mono, Stereo, Category, Frequency, Channel, Utility, insert, Manage, 8 bit, 16 bit, Sound
Aplus JPG to PDF Converter by: Aplus PDF

Software permits you to change JPG file into PDF and make single & multiple file
License: Shareware, Price: $14.90 US
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Downloads: 877
Size: 1104 K
Date: 2015-04-14
Keywords: JPG, PDF, Converter, Tool, Change, Image, Photograph, Photo, Picture, Application, transform, Multi-page, Multi-frame, Organize, Compose, Software, Add, Document, Build, Several, Adobe, File, Import, Batch, snapshot, Screenshot, Snap, Produce, Insert
Aplus PDF to Image Converter by: PDF to Image Converter

PDF to image converter enable switch PDF file into JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WMF etc
License: Shareware, Price: $19.90 US
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Downloads: 809
Size: 2776 K
Date: 2015-03-14
Keywords: PDF, Image, Converter, Software, Change, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, WMF, JPEG, , TIFF, TIF, Tool, Add, Insert, Turn, Join, Paste, Combine, Compose, Batch, File, Utility, convert, Organize, Photo, Screenshot, Snapshot, Photograph, Picture, Document
Apex Make PDF from JPEGs by: Make PDF from JPEGs

Make PDF from JPEGs tool transform pictures photographs images graphics into PDF
License: Shareware, Price: $14.90 US
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Downloads: 759
Size: 1164 K
Date: 2014-12-17
Keywords: Make, PDF, JPEGs, Software, Conversion, Converting, Converter, Convert, Add, Paste, Join, JPG to PDF, Insert, Transform, Change, Import, Snapshots, Screenshots, Pictures, Images, File, Document, Drawing, Photographs, Batch, Multiple, Several, Acrobat
Apex PDF to Image Converter by: PDF to Image Converter

PDF to image converter transfer PDF into different image file type like JPG, PNG
License: Shareware, Price: $24.90 US
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Downloads: 688
Size: 5128 K
Date: 2014-12-03
Keywords: PDF, Image, Converter, Software, Change, JPG, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, WMF, TIF, BMP, GIF, ICO, Application, Organize, Picture, Screenshot, Snapshot, Multi-image, Transform, Change, Add, Insert, Paste, Combine, Compose, Batch, File, Document, Photo, Acrobat