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PowerXGames Theater 5.5 by: jk-ware

Game stage for Blocker Plains, Color LIFE Sound and Perpetuum mobile.
License: Demo, Price: $35.90 US
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Downloads: 1159
Size: 22372 K
Date: 2017-08-20
Keywords: games, sound, grafic, arcade, windows, forms, arrangement, configuration, download, perpetuum mobile
Blocker Plains 5.0 by: jk-ware

Reaction game with a freely moveable blocker, 50 stone plains and much sound.
License: Demo, Price: $17.90 US
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Downloads: 1432
Size: 10572 K
Date: 2017-08-19
Keywords: games, sound, grafic, arcade, levels, reaction, listener, windows, download, free, directx
Universe of LIFE Theater 5.4 by: jk-ware

Game stage for Universe of LIFE Sound by jk-ware.
License: Demo, Price: $35.90 US
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Downloads: 1136
Size: 9884 K
Date: 2015-07-20
Keywords: games, universe, 3d, life, grafic, arcade, windows, arrangement, configuration, download, PowerXGames, .net, software
Bus Stop 2 3.9.1 by: Dieter Thau Grafikdesign

Hang around a bus stop in any large city and you never know what will happen.
License: Shareware, Price: $18.90 US
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Downloads: 1220
Size: 6153 K
Date: 2014-03-07
Keywords: Bus, Stop, Screensaver, Screen Saver, Screensavers, SCR, Interaction, Interactive, animation, anime, Cartoon, Comic, Entertainment, Advertising board, burn in, DTgrafic, DT grafic, DTgrafik, DTgrafix
Bus Stop 3 1.6.4 by: Dieter Thau Grafikdesign

This interactive screensaver portrays life at a bus stop.
License: Shareware, Price: $18.90 US
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Downloads: 1042
Size: 15181 K
Date: 2012-10-23
Keywords: screensaver, screen saver, bus, stop, bus stop, interaction, interactive, animation, mp3, player, weather, entertainment, cartoon, comic, burn in, DTgrafic, dtgrafix, DT grafic
Toolbar Latipografiaonline.it by: Latipografiaonline.it

Toolbar with the most common utilities by Latipografiaonline.it
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 254
Size: 1943 K
Date: 2011-08-25
Keywords: typography online, lastampaonline.net, stileingrafica.com, latipografiaonline.it, tipografia prezzi
DTDF - Columna destilacion McCabe Thiele 1.7.1 by: Vaxa Software

DTDF - DiseГ±o de columnas de destilacion por el metodo de McCabe Thiele
License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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Downloads: 627
Size: 2252 K
Date: 2011-06-21
Keywords: columna, McCabe, Thiele, calculo, platos, teoricos, torre, destilacion, mezclas, binarias, destilado, alimentacion, recta operativa, ingenieria quimica, molar, etanol, agua, diseГ±o, volatilidad relativa, NPT, equilibrio liquido vapor, grafica, VLE
MCTH - McCabe Thiele Platos teoricos 1.7.1 by: Vaxa Software

MCTH Calculo del Numero de Platos Teoricos por McCabe-Thiele torres destilacion
License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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Downloads: 383
Size: 2252 K
Date: 2011-06-21
Keywords: metodo, McCabe, Thiele, calculo, platos, teoricos, torre, destilacion, mezclas, binarias, destilado, alimentacion, recta operativa, ingenieria quimica, molar, etanol, agua, volatilidad relativa, NPT, equilibrio liquido vapor, grafica, VLE
PTTD - Numero platos columna destilacion 1.7.1 by: Vaxa Software

PTTD - Numero de platos de columna destilacion por el metodo de McCabe Thiele
License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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Downloads: 446
Size: 2252 K
Date: 2011-06-21
Keywords: columna, McCabe, Thiele, calculo, platos, teoricos, torre, destilacion, mezclas, binarias, destilado, alimentacion, recta operativa, ingenieria quimica, molar, etanol, agua, diseГ±o, volatilidad relativa, NPT, equilibrio liquido vapor, grafica, VLE
Map Designer Pro 2.23 by: ForthTech Software

Create HTML Image Maps of any shape in just a few clicks
License: Shareware, Price: $23.00 US
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Downloads: 194
Size: 1118 K
Date: 2008-12-03
Keywords: imagemapping, imagemap, imagemaping, webdesign, htmlimagemap, imagemapping, webgraphic, grafic, webdesign, hypergraphic, areamap, mappingutilities, webutilities, htmltools, sitemanagement, mapimage, htmlmap, imagemappingutility, web
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