TheSage English Dictionary and Thesaurus by: Sequence Publishing

One-click complete dictionary and multifaceted thesaurus of the English language
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 899
Size: 9006 K
Date: 2012-01-16
Keywords: TheSage, English, Dictionary, Thesaurus, One-click, lookup, wildcard search, anagram, concordancer, speech, pronunciation, word lists
HM Find+Rename 1.1.6 by: Martin Haller, Software-Engineering

Easily rename or number multiple files at once or change file attributes.
License: Shareware, Price: $25.00 US
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Downloads: 309
Size: 1064 K
Date: 2011-08-30
Keywords: file, utility, tool, search, find, rename, wildcards, regular expression, file date, file attributes, jpeg, mpeg, mp3
.NET ZIP Component for CS VB.NET ASP.NET 5.1.430 by: ComponentPro

Compress and decompress files and folders easily.
License: Shareware, Price: $299.00 US
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Downloads: 260
Size: 3022 K
Date: 2011-04-04
Keywords: .net zip component, library, compress, decompress, zip, unzip, compression, deflate64, bzip2, ppmd, zip64, pkzip, aes, winzip, pkzip, gzip, 128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit, wildcard, unicode
Zoom Search Engine Free Edition 6.0.1025 by: Wrensoft

Add search to your website, or CD-ROM/DVD with this free package
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 556
Size: 5241 K
Date: 2010-12-23
Keywords: website, search, engine, php, asp, javascript, indexer, CD, DVD, google, context, wildcard, spider, offline, crawler, indexing, metadata
UpRight 1.2.1 by: Otaku Software

Upload your web site to a FTP server or Amazon S3 with a single click.
License: Commercial, Price: $19.95 US
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Downloads: 264
Size: 1630 K
Date: 2008-06-06
Keywords: ftp, upload, amazon s3, wildcard, regular expression, shell extension
BareGrep 3.50a by: Bare Metal Software Pty Ltd

A free file finding and text searching tool
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 267
Size: 246 K
Date: 2006-11-02
Keywords: baregrep, grep, windows, win32, regular expression, regex, fast, search, find, text, files, wildcard, capturing group, extract, free
BareGrepPro 2.50a by: Bare Metal Software Pty Ltd

A file finding and text searching tool which shows search results in context
License: Demo, Price: $35.00 US
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Downloads: 239
Size: 310 K
Date: 2006-11-02
Keywords: baregrep, grep, windows, win32, regular expression, regex, fast, search, find, text, files, wildcard, capturing group, extract
ZipScan 2.2c by: Foobar Software

Searches archive files. Supports Zip, CAB, RAR, ACE, InstallShield CAB, JAR.
License: Shareware, Price: $15.00 US
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Downloads: 233
Size: 641 K
Date: 2005-10-21
Keywords: Zip, CAB, JAR, ACE, RAR, TAR, GZIP, Z, ZOO, LZH, CHM, InstallShield, Search, Extract, Wildcard, Find, Archive, Java, files
RegEx.DLL 0.6.0 by: Codebox Software

Provides regular-expression handling for VB implementing UNIX-style regex syntax
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 455
Size: 29 K
Date: 2004-01-25
Keywords: vb, com, activex, codebox, regular expression, regex, regexp, regex.dll, wildcard, wildcards, ocx
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